It happened between 1870 and 1875 when in the city center in the corner  between Corso Vittorio Emanuele II and Corso Re Umberto the liquor store “Principe Umberto” opened, then bought from Ernesto and Pietro Platti.

The brothers recalled them in “Caffè Platti” and change it in what will be destinated to become a Turin institution, a social and cultural landmark for all the 900 century.

An iconic Turin place and of Italy, has really marked three eras between his baroque style, had witnessed of Italian Unity, two war worlds, of industrial boom and lots of must famous writers, poets, intellectuals, industrial, and the most famous represtativ of Sabaudian Borguesy; Einaudi (second president of Italian Republic) used to go in Platti to read, Cesare Pavese to write meeting the editor Giulio Einaudi.

Founders of FIAT and Lavazza used to spent time in Platti too, Luigi Lavazza and Senator Agnelli.

For decades was the meting point for the ritual of the hot chocolate for the students od the Institute D’Azeglio.

In front of the shop windows of Platti, in a bench, 1th November of 1897, some students of this institute decided to give life to “J****** FC”.

The extraordinary interiors, furnished according to Luigi XVI style from Valabrega company, are characterized by very important chandeliers  ceilings in baroque style, golden decorations, a bar desk in wood age twenty, and very big and important framed mirrors.

At the first floor, you can find the three big dining rooms communicating between them.

Since 2003 Caffè Platti start to be partner of historical and important association of the historic restaurants in Italy, and you can find it in the Gambero Rosso Guide like Bar of Italy like excellent local.

TThe pastry of our master pastry chefs ranges from the classic bakery and the Piedmonts specialties, with a focus on the Platti cake, whose recipe is strictly secret.

One of the most important and famous elements for Turin people is the breakfast time, one of the most gourmet and delicate experiences.

All the croissant, mignon are strictly home made. Mignon are really originals and unique for taste and view, a little vice to enjoy in a antique atmosphere. 

Elegance, raffinate and quality are mandatory for Platti stule.

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